Tuesday, June 30, 2015

low or zero carb food list

These  meats have zero carbs:
  • Beef
  • Veal
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Fowl (turkey, chicken, duck, goose, hen, quail)
  • Organ Meats (brains, tongue, liver, heart, kidneys)
  • Game Meats (venison, bison, ostrich, caribou, elk)
  • Exotic Meats (such as ostrich and emu)                                                                                          
    Fresh (unprocessed) seafood is zero carb:
    • Cod
    • Flounder
    • Sole
    • Haddock
    • Halibut
    • Sardine
    • Swordfish
    • Tuna
    • Trout
    • Salmon
    • Catfish
    • Bass
    • Crab
    • Shrimp
    • Lobster
    • Squid
    • Oysters
    • Mussels
    • Clams

    Zero Carb Dairy

    • Butter
    • Whipped Cream (check each label)
    • Heavy Cream (check each label)

    Zero Carb Seasoning

    • Salt and Pepper
    • Vinegar
    • Ground Cinnamon
    • Most Hot Sauces
    • Yellow Mustard
    • Dill weed
    • Chives

    Zero Carb Oils and Fats

    The following fats and oils have zero carbs:
    • Olive oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Safflower oil
    • Corn oil
    • Soybean oil
    • Canola oil
    • Peanut oil
    • Sesame oil
    • Avocado oil
    • Grapeseed oil
    • Soybean oil
    • Safflower oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Fish oil
    • Animal Fats (including lard)
    • Vegetable Shortening
    • Butter and Margarine
    • Mayonnaise (check each label)
                 Almost Zero Carb Fruits and Veggies:
    Serving size: 1/2 cup
    • Spinach .2
    • Parsley .4
    • Avocado .5
    • Radish .5
    • Lettuce .25
    • Bok Choy .7
    • Celery .8
    Serving size: 1/4 cup
    • Mushrooms .5
    • Garlic (1/2 clove) .5
    • Pokeberry Shoots .5
    • Cabbage .5
    • Asparagus (3 pieces) .6
    • Coconut .5
    • Yellow Squash .7
    • Raspberries .7
    • Cauliflower .7
    • Broccoli .8
    • Cucumber .9
     Eggs .2 to .7 (check the carton)
    Eggs are so versatile: fried, scrambled, omelets, quiche, boiled, deviled and of course – egg salad.

    Most natural, unprocessed cheeses (no added flavors or ingredients) are 0 to 1 net carbs per serving. Hard cheeses will be the lowest; softer, creamy cheeses will be the highest.

    Almost Zero Carb Cheeses:
    Serving size: 1 oz = 1″ cube = 1/4 cup grated (approx.)
    • Asiago .9
    • Blue .6
    • Brie .1
    • Camembert .1
    • Cheddar .3
    • Colby .7
    • Edam .4
    • Fontina .4
    • Goats .6
    • Gouda .6
    • Gruyère .1
    • Havarti .7
    • Mexican Blend Cheese .5
    • Monterey .1
    • Mozzarella .6
    • Muenster .3
    • Neufchatel .1 to .8
    • Parmesan .9
    • Provolone .6
    • Ricotta .8

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Magnesium benefits

I keep seeing the question being asked  what does magnesium do for the body ? Magnesium is an essential mineral for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. 

. Zinc, calcium, and magnesium are three of the most important minerals essential for good health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body, while zinc actively supports the body’s immune system.
Women of all ages benefit immensely from the intake of magnesium. Besides keeping osteoporosis at bay, magnesium health benefits in women include relief from symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It also minimizes the risk of premature labor.
The other crucial health benefits of magnesium include protein synthesis, relief from bronchospasm (constricted airways) in the lungs, and improvement of parathyroid function. It boosts the bio-availability of vitamin B6 and cholesterol, improves muscle functioning, and prevents osteoporosis, insomnia,  heart attacks, hypertension, , migraines, kidney stones, and gallstones,constipation. And we all know doing low carb we sometimes end up with the last one :(

Friday, June 26, 2015

breaking a plateu and my weight

For the past few weeks i have not updated any change in weight cause there was none :(  but the good news is there was no gain either.  I know i lost inches but i felt like there should be some weight loss soon. after reading lots of ways to change this i decided to add more carbs in for the day and i ate 40 instead of 20. I added some refried beans to my low carb dish cause i have been craving them bad and now im glad i did cause i weighed myself today and dropped 2 pounds :) when you go through this you have to play around a bit to figure out what your body needs. some people need more fat and some more carbs  but during this process never give up

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Can you drink too much water?

this question has been asked several times in a couple facebook pages that i go on and I will give you my honest opinion and say yes i believe you can over drink fluids /water . Now the reason i say yes is due to the fact i was not much of a water drinker and no where near drank half my body weight in water each day as suggested by several low carb sites so i decided to test it out to see how i felt. Day one i drank half my body weight and felt kinds sluggish all day and peed way too much at night. second day same thing and now my ankles and legs were swelling up and up all night again peeing. third day same thing...stopped it and went back to normal and swelling went down and i was back to normal :) (not that i ever was normal) :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Low carb on a budget

One of the largest concerns about a low-carb lifestyle is its impact on the user’s wallet. However it can be done on a tight budget and done with great success. The key to this    is . When you see a giant sale on meat at your butcher or grocery store, (aldi has great deals)  spend more than you would on average (even more than what you could consume that week). This allows you to play the budgeting long game instead of the present budget. Sure, you may spend an extra twenty percent on meat this week but you have protein for three weeks now for the cost of one and a half weeks. Apply this logic with staple foods in your area. . There are a couple of small tricks to finding cheap food. You’d be astonished at how much cheaper something like 75/25 ground beef is, with its 80/20 partner being dollars higher with virtually not a single iota of difference between the two.  Make sure you cut coupons and shop when your stores have double coupon days
 I also wanna mention starting your own gardens and growing your own veggies can save tons and you know they will be organic :)  Also I have been making an extra 10 bucks a month doing something i already do and that is doing a few searches for bing. they pay you in gift cards of your choice and i use amazon .com and but low carb products with them. takes a few minutes a day and it is so easy.check them out.     bing

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A list of basic bad carbs to avoid

What Makes a Bad Carb?

Bad carbs are typically those carbohydrates that have been heavily processed.  They have been refined, preserved and flavored to make them more attractive to consumers.  They make you feel good for half an hour, and they taste good – but the long and short term effects they will have on your weight and your health hardly make the trade-off worth it. The saying, ‘a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’ was written about bad carbs.
So what kinds of foods would go into a list of bard carbs?  Well, it’s difficult to list everything that you could call a bad carb, but the general rule is that if it’s white and wrapped in plastic, it’s probably a bad carb.  Here’s a list of bad carbs to use as a guideline.
  • White bread
  • Potatoes 
  • flour, pasta
  •  rice
  • Burger buns
  • Tortillas and wraps
  • Breadcrumbs on fried chicken
  • Bread sticks
  • Cookies and biscuits,
  • Pizza dough
That’s not everything that would be on a Grand List of Bad Carbs, but it gives you a pretty good idea of what makes up a list of bad carbs – and it’s pretty frightening.  How many of these things have you eaten in the last week?  How about in the last month?

Friday, June 12, 2015

what is ketosis?

A lot of people are confused by the term ketosis." You may read that it is a "dangerous state" for the body, and it does sound abnormal to be "in ketosis. But ketosis merely means that our bodies are using fat for energy. Ketones (also called ketone bodies) are molecules generated during fat metabolism, whether from the fat in the guacamole you just ate or fat you were carrying around your middle.                                                                                     When our bodies are breaking down fat for energy, most of the it gets converted more or less directly to ATP. This is the "energy molecule. But ketones are also produced as part of the process.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Six week weight

todaay is thursday june 11 th and as of today I am down 38 pounds but not sure about inches as i have not been keeping tabs on that but i feel so much better and i thank god for giving me the strength to keep on this journey and hope i remain on it for ever and lose all the weight i wanna lose. if i can do it anyone can

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Supplements are important

Vitamins and minerals are crucial to long-term weight loss success and the feeling of well-being so typical of low carb living. Certain vitamins and minerals are very important, particularly at the beginning of a low carb diet. Refer to your particular plan and consult your doctor for specific recommendations, since some supplements interact with certain medications.
Generally, a multivitamin that includes potassium, calcium and magnesium is ideal; they work together to prevent muscle aches/cramps and pulse or blood pressure irregularities that often occur at the beginning of a low carb regimen. Women of childbearing age should also look for a multivitamin that includes 400 micrograms of folic acid.

Exercise is necessary for both weight loss and long-term health

 Yes, you can lose many pounds without exercising at all. But if you want to look good when you re done losing, you had better make some effort to tone your muscles! Your skin is much more likely to shrink back into shape when you lose weight in combination with exercise.
Exercise is as addicting as anything else, and much more rewarding. Find something that you enjoy (or at least don't hate doing), even if it's just walking, and incorporate it into your life. As your weight decreases and your health improves, you can increase intensity and change your workouts. The most important thing right now is to establish a routine.

Stall on a low carb diet

To determine if you are maintaining, losing or actually stalling, compare your average weekly weights. (Women: Don't bother stressing over your weight during the 10 days surrounding your menstrual cycle.) Daily weight can fluctuate by several pounds due to such variables as salt intake and water retention. Weighing in weekly is a better way to determine                                                     If you are exercising regularly, you may be building muscle tissue! Muscle tissue is more dense than fat, so while it may make you heavier, it takes up a whole lot less space (and looks a lot better on you).low carb dieters commonly lose inches even when the scale doesn't move, and sometimes the most noticeable changes are in their clothing sizes. If you must obsess over numbers, focus more on body fat percentage and clothing size than on actual number of pounds lost             Examine carefully everything you are eating and drinking. What stalls one person may not hinder the next. Try removing a potential offending food or drink from your diet for a full week or two to see if it could be the culprit                         Try lowering carbs, raising carbs (Surprise! Sometimes eating too few carbs can cause metabolic slowdowns!), upping fat or increasing fiber.                                  Calculate and track your average intake of calories, fat, carbs and protein. Many software programs are available that will do this for you. Additionally, many websites feature this capability, some for free. Or, you can keep a simple written food diary and use a carb or calorie counter. Eating too many calories can interfere with any weight loss plan as can eating too few, which throws your body into starvation mode and slow metabolism. The trick is knowing what's going into your body. If you're not overeating but are still not losing, go back to the strictest initial phase of your eating plan for a couple of weeks. (With Atkins, for instance, that's 20g carbs per day maximum.) On Atkins or a similar diet, make sure your fat percentage is high -- the initial, or corrective, phase of the Atkins diet is technically high-fat, not high-protein. Make sure your protein intake is not too high -- studies suggest that up to 52 percent of ingested protein can be converted to glucose (and then fat). Do make sure to eat enough protein to protect muscle mass. (The minimum amount depends on your body frame, current weight and activity level.) 

Friday, June 5, 2015

A list of complex carbs

Black beans1/4 cup dry23
Black beans1/2 cup cooked18
Garbanzo beans1/4 cup dry28
Garbanzo (Chickpeas)1/2 cup cooked18
Kidney beans1/4 cup dry29
Kidney beans1/2 cup cooked20
Lentils1/4 cup dry28
Lentils1/2 cup cooked20
Lima Beans1/4 cup dry22
Lima Beans1/2 cup cooked20
Navy Beans1/4 cup dry32
Navy Beans1/2 cup cooked29
Pinto Beans1/4 cup dry29
Pinto Beans1/2 cup cooked22
Soybeans1/4 cup dry13
Soybeans1/2 cup cooked9
Split Peas1/4 cup dry26
Split Peas1/2 cup cooked21
Blue cheese1 oz0.7
Cheddar cheese1 oz0.4
Cottage cheese, 2% fat1/2 cup4
Egg1 extra large1
Feta cheese1 oz1
Milk, 1% fat1 cup8
Milk, fat-free1 cup13
Mozzarella cheese1 oz0.8
Parmesan cheese1 Tbsp.0.2
Provolone cheese1 oz0.6
Ricotta cheese1/2 cup6
Swiss cheese1 oz1
Yogurt, low-fat1 cup17
Yogurt, fat-free1 cup18
Apple5 oz21
Apricot3 (4 oz ea.)12
Avocado1/2 (3 oz)7
Blackberries1 cup18
Blueberries1 cup21
Cantaloupe1 cup13
Cranberries1/2 cup6
Grapefruit1/2 (4 oz)10
Grapes1 cup16
Guava1 (3 oz)11
Kiwi1 (2-1/2 oz)11
Mango1/2 (3-1/2 oz)18
Nectarine1 (5 oz)16
Orange1 (4-1/2 oz)15
Papaya1/2 (5-1/2 oz)15
Peach1 (3-1/2 oz)10
Pear1 (6 oz)25
Pineapple1 cup19
Raspberries1 cup14
Strawberries1 cup11
Tangerine1 (3 oz)9
Watermelon1 cup12
Almonds1 oz6
Brazil nuts1 oz4
Cashews1 oz9
Coconut, raw1 oz4
Macadamia nuts1 oz4
Peanuts1 oz6
Pecans1 oz5
Pistachios1 oz7
Pumpkin seeds1 oz5
Sesame seeds1 Tbsp.1
Sunflower1 oz5
Walnuts1 oz3
Alfalfa sprouts, raw1/2 cup1
Asparagus1/2 cup cooked4
Butterhead lettuce1 cup raw2
Broccoli1/2 cup cooked4
Brussels Sprouts1/2 cup cooked7
Cabbage1/2 cup cooked4
Carrot1 (2-1/2 oz)7
Cauliflower3 florets3
Celery1/2 cup diced2
Chinese Cabbage1/2 cup cooked2
Chili Peppers1 Tbsp.1
Corn (sweet)1 ear19
Cucumber5 oz raw4
Edamame, fresh soybeans1/2 cup raw14
Edamame1/4 cup cooked10
Eggplant1/2 cup cooked3
Garlic1 clove1
Ginger Root1 Tbsp. raw1
Green Bell Peppers1/2 cup raw3
Iceberg Lettuce1-1/2 cups raw3
Mushrooms1/2 cup cooked4
Okra1/2 cup cooked6
Onions1/2 cup cooked7
Radishes1/2 cup raw2
Red Bell Peppers1/2 cup raw3
Red Cabbage1/2 cup cooked4
Romaine lettuce1-1/2 cups raw2
Scallions1/2 cup raw4
Spinach1/2 cup cooked3
Swiss Chard1/2 cup cooked4
Zucchini1/2 cup cooked4
Bread, whole wheat1 slice14
Bread, multi grain1 slice17
Oatmeal, cooked1 cup25
Pancake, buckwheat mix1/3 cup (3 cakes)33
Pancake, whole grain mix1/3 cup (3 cakes)28
Pasta, whole wheat1 cup cooked37
Popcorn, popped3-1/2 cups19
Rice, basmati brown1/4 cup dry31
Rice, brown1/4 cup dry33
Rice, brown1/2 cup cooked22
Rice, wild1/2 cup cooked18
Rye bread1 slice15